Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Why it worked

I think this project worked really well, however I think it would have been better to get to know a few more of the Parsons Students a bit better. I think generally a bit more structure to the program would improve the project. It was hard to fit everything into just one week also, I think if we'd had more time, we could have spent more time at Parsons and perhaps done some activities with the other students. However I think it was great to go to all the different shops, and have freedom in this respect as we got some great opportunities out of it, such as meeting Patricia Field and the Maxim shoot. I think it shows that there's always opportunities just around the corner in this city. 

I enjoyed going to the museums, but again would have liked to have done more of them and had a little more cultural interaction. 

I think generally more of a balance between roaming around NYC and structure would really improve the project.

It was a pleasure to be involved in the first one, and I sincerely hope future students get this opportunity. 

Looking back...

Whilst in New York it was interesting to see that everything I had suspected about the fashion design was true, although it was shocking to see just how true it was. Capitalism and commercialism run rife in this city. The clothes are purely made to sell, and innovation and daring artistry are minimal. It was impressive to see the level of design was fit to go straight to the shops, and was amazing to see such finished products. The students at Parsons are truly talented. Yet it is just so, so different to fashion in London. Compared with polished, swish New York, we must look like a bunch of colour mis-matched lunatics. 

I found this experience invaluable and it has given me another dimension to my fashion knowledge of New York. Although I had been there before, I found it great to be able to focus on the fashion rather than tourism. I feel like I've got to know New York a lot better now, and it has given me perspective on London as a fashion capital.